timestamp: 16805787416419 To send USDC, click on USDC under the Assets tab. Thanks for your effort. USDC on Polygon is also safe and widely used, with over $500 million in liquidity. What was the actual cockpit layout and crew of the Mi-24A? To find the Token Contract Address for USDT Tether, go to https://etherscan.io . Thanks for contributing an answer to Ethereum Stack Exchange! Once that's done, click on [Add Custom Token]. Depending on your profile and investment approach, you can easily lower your overall risk. USDC runs on the Ethereum blockchain, so you need to make sure that youre on the Ethereum Mainnet network. At this time, the USDC balance will not appear because you have not added USDC to the wallet. }, USD Coin (USDC) ERC20 token on Binance Smart Chain mainnet. Check out the wide range of Manga NFTs available on the Trophee platform. USDC runs on the Ethereum blockchain, so you need to make sure that you're on the "Ethereum Mainnet" network. how can this even be an option? The cryptocurrency is issued (and backed) by Tether and it is the largest stablecoin in the crypto space with a market cap of over $66 Billion. Price. That said, it is always important to double check with the official USDC website and MetaMask wallet before making any transactions. Finally, click on [Import tokens] to add USDT to your Metamask wallet on the Binance Smart Chain network. Firstly, click on Custom Token to start adding a custom token. timestamp: 16807874159124 Recently, MetaMask has also improved its token detection. To add the USDT Stablecoin to your Metamask wallet on the Binance Smart Chain, you first need to get the contract address from the USDT token on BSC. }, The token symbol and decimals of precision will auto-populate. }, By default, you should be on the "Ethereum Mainnet" network. This is similar to how you would add JEWEL to your Metamask wallet. Now, youll be able to send or receive USDT. Here's how to add USDC to Metamask on Ethereum: Log-in to your Metamask and click on import token. By default, the Ethereum Mainnet network should be selected. Find the network you want to add USDCon your MetaMaskWallet for. With $50, the transaction costs only $0.25, which is also quite cheap. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. }, entry: Form is invalid because stage is ADD_RECIPIENT, First, launch the Metamask extension on your web browser by clicking on the Metamask icon, then enter the account password to unlock your wallet. Our mission at Buy Bitcoin Bank is to help you make informed decisions. 3. Get started in minutes on a regulated platform with fast CAD deposits. { After youve clicked on import tokens, youll land on the Search tab. With these definitions out of the way, we can now define account abstraction. This is because USDC runs on the Ethereum blockchain. If you were searching for a tutorial on how to add USDT to your Metamask wallet, we hope you found this guide helpful. The cryptocurrency market is always moving. timestamp: 16807874516419 On the Harmony network, you are only able to import custom tokens. Their applications is backed by prominent investors like FTX, Alameda Research and Binance Labs - making them a secure DeFi protocol to earn interest on your funds. { MetaMask is a safe way to store your USDT as compared to a cryptocurrency exchange because you own your private keys. Select trading pair then click swap Note: Here I choose to swap Matic to USDC, I have 41 Matic but I only swap 40 Matic, because we have to get some Matic to pay for the transaction fee. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/tether/, https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=73583477. Since we will be adding the USDT Stablecoin (USDT) to Metamask on the Avalanche Chain, you will want to ensure that the Avalanche Mainnet is added and selected as the default network on your Metamask wallet. If youre not, you need to click on the network dropdown box and select it. 1. }, Support. 1. }, Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. By default, you should be on the Ethereum Mainnet network. Get in touch with our team. To receive USDT, copy your wallet address by clicking on the duplicate icon under Account 1 and share it with the sender. Once the network has been identified, it is time to find the correct USDC contract address for that network. Are you passionate about personal finance and want to earn some flexible income? The last step you will need to do is to confirm importing USDC one more time. Note: select the MATIC network. Running a testnet node historically gives you a high chance of getting an airdrop. In this guide, we outline the safest way to buy Bitcoin and crypto assets with a Merrick Bank account. Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? Here is a simple 4 step guide to get started: USDCis the most widely available and safest stablecoin on all major Layer 1 and Layer 2 protocols. Click on the. Hence, you can also add USDT by searching for it on the Search tab. Now, youll see 3 fieldsToken Contract Address, Token Symbol, and Token Decimal. If you edit that I will accept your answer. }, Open the MetaMask app Select "add funds." A QR code will appear, and your friend could scan it and instantly send you ETH or an ERC-20/721 token Conversely, you could copy your address and send it to them by text or Airdrop. Once youre there, click on the MetaMask icon under Contracts. Network fees to send and swap assets; no fee to receive assets. Select the 'Contract' button underneath the 'Info' heading on the top right of the page. The Tether USD Stablecoin, popularly known as USDT is unarguably the most popular stablecoin in the crypto space which is pegged on a 1:1 ratio to the US Dollar (USD). Has depleted uranium been considered for radiation shielding in crewed spacecraft beyond LEO? -Enter the recipient's wallet address in the "To" field. 5. A boy can regenerate, so demons eat him for years. You just connect with your Metamask wallet on Kovan testnet and select USD Coin. To add the USDT Stablecoin to your Metamask wallet on Polygon, you first need to get the contract address for the USDT token on Polygon. Now launch the Metamask extension by clicking on the Metamask icon in the extensions area of your browser. What To Know, Does Kucoin Report To The IRS? timestamp: 16807875404039 Kovan is deprecated along with Rinkeby and Ropsten. Your submission has been received! Select the wallet you want to connect, here I use Metamask wallet, you can also use other wallets like Binance Chain Wallet, Wallet Connect, Trust Wallet.. From the top left corner of the screen, tap the 3 dashes icon, then select Bridge > Token Bridge. { To add the USDT Stablecoin (USDT) to your Metamask wallet on the Avalanche network, you first need to get the contract address from the USDT token on Avalanche. I was sending some usdc from MetaMask wallet which ledger is connected on. If youre on mobile, launch the Metamask mobile app by tapping on the Metamask app icon, then enter your account password or biometrics information to unlock your wallet. 3. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? { Click the MetaMask icon and USDC will be automatically added and visible on your MetaMask account. If you dont have a wallet, you need to follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on [Import tokens]. There is a section called Contracts, where youll see the Polygon contract for USDC by clicking on More. Is it easier to get tokens on some other ETH testnet? Finally, click on [Import tokens] to add USDT to your Metamask wallet on the Polygon network. How to get TEST USDC on Avalanche FUJI Testnet. Follow this simple guide to get started: Go to Coingecko and search for USDC. Here is the USD Coin page on CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/usd-coin/. After you click on Custom Token copy and paste this USDC contract address: 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48. The first thing you need to know is that all Ethereum wallet addresses are compatible with ERC-20 tokens. Click on ADD TOKEN and go to Custom Token: 3. While this is a given, it is the prerogative of your wallet provider to provide you with permission to access your ERC-20 token balance.In other words, some wallet providers do support Ethereum addresses, but might restrict you from seeing ERC-20 tokens associated with the address. Can my creature spell be countered if I cast a split second spell after it? In order to see your USDC token balance in MetaMask, you will need to import this token. In his free time, Lim plays multiple games like Genshin Impact, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone, RuneScape, and many others. Firstly, you need to make sure that the Ethereum Mainnet network is selected. He also rips off an arm to use as a sword. timestamp: 16807857415618 - Sending and Receiving Tokens - MetaMask Sending usdc to usdc contract? 4. Step 3: After you click on Custom Token copy and paste this USDC contract address: 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48. If you havent installed MetaMask yet, you need to do so. You can see the token under the Assets tab. If you havent added the Fantom network to your Metamask wallet, we have a good tutorial on how to add Fantom to your Metamask wallet on both the extension and mobile app. That link is the one where you get your USDC token with that specific contract address for Kovan network. Once you click this button, USDC will be automatically added to your MetaMask Wallet. Next step You need to transfer Matic to the wallet to swap and do transaction fees. With this blog, I hope to make personal finance more accessible for you! The transaction went thru but when i take a look on etherscan there was send to totally different address which i never used before. Book your slot here! Step 1: Log-in to your Metamask and click on ' import token '. Free. { Or, he balance will be automatically displayed below the. Stargate Finance offers the best yields for USDC deposits on the Polygon blockchain and is backed by reputable investors. Now, click on the Copy icon next to the USDT Polygon contract address to copy it to your device clipboard. Hence, you need to import it as a custom token. Copyright 2023 IsItCrypto.com. Token contract for this token is https://kovan.etherscan.io/token/0xe22da380ee6b445bb8273c81944adeb6e8450422, How can I get these tokens? Since we will be adding the USDT to Metamask on the Fantom Chain, you will want to ensure that the Fantom Main Network is added and selected as the default network on your Metamask wallet. Start adding USDC to your Polygon MetaMask Wallet today to take advantage of this trusted stablecoin on Polygon's Proof-of-Stake blockchain. Smart Contract with address: 0x8ac76a51cc950d9822d68b83fe1ad97b32cd580d Date range April 23, 2023 - April 30, 2023 Token Transfers Trades on DEXs Senders Receivers Smart Contract Transactions Methods Events Inflow Outflow Calls Contracts Get Tax Report Free DEX Swaps Verse DEX Does the 500-table limit still apply to the latest version of Cassandra? { This page will show you how to obtain and add testnet USDC to MetaMask. Did that. With this, you have successfully added USDT to Metamask on Polygon. entry: Begin validating send state, If total energies differ across different software, how do I decide which software to use? }, You will need to follow the steps in that guide to add the Polygon (MATIC) network to your Metamask wallet before moving ahead with this guide. The token is currently available on 12 blockchains with plans by the token issuers to deploy the token on more networks. timestamp: 16807874159124. Step 4: Search for the USDT and select it from the list, then click [Next]. It moves at the speed of the internet and can be exchanged similarly to how we share content. Now, you'll be able to send and receive USDC on MetaMask. You're done! { Click on [Import tokens] to add USDT to Metamask on the BSC Network. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? When a gnoll vampire assumes its hyena form, do its HP change? }, Paste in the token's contract address and MetaMask should fill in the rest of the details. Copy the following address: 0xe11a86849d99f524cac3e7a0ec1241828e332c62, 0x28fC65CF1F2bDe09ab2876fddaA7788340bAf1D7, Paste the token contract address into MetaMask in the, input. Buy USDC by creating a Coinbase account and get $10 USD in free Bitcoin:https://www.coinbase.com/join/lim_di1. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Check the balance at your wallet. Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. Click on [Import tokens] to add USDT to Metamask on the Avalanche Network. { If not, manually add them. The page 'Add Tokens' will open. entry: Form is invalid because stage is ADD_RECIPIENT, Copy the USDT contract address for the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20 USDT). I have the address for the site I want to send the USDC in my MetaMask wallet with a green check, I can enter the amount I want to send, but the next button will not un-fade so I cant click it and continue the transaction. In conclusion, adding USDC to MetaMask is quite easy. Now, youll see 3 fields including Token Contract Address, Token Symbol, and Token Decimal. }, The contract address is necessary for MetaMask to know exactly which token you're referring to. On the page, click on [More], then scroll down on the dialog box until you find the contract address for USDT on the Polygon network. All that is needed is the verified contract address and then the MetaMask button on Coingeckos page. entry: Form is invalid because gasEstimateIsLoading, entry: Begin validating send state, Use Quickswap to buy USDC more easily and conveniently. If you already have a MetaMask wallet, you can either enter your password or import it using your secret recovery phrase. }, The worlds first and largest digital marketplace for manga crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). MetaMask will automatically fill it. entry: sendFlow - Valid address typed XXXXXXX CHANGED THE ADDRESS, 2. How did they acquire this token? Paste the USDT contact address. Once the token has been added, you can go back to the Metamask home window to view your USDT balance. See the screenshot below. timestamp: 16807873403972 { entry: Begin validating send state, Buy USDC by creating a Binance account:https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=73583477. This is because you own your private keys and do not store your personal information. Finally, click on [Import tokens] to add USDT (USDT.e) to your Metamask wallet on the Avalanche network. Uniswap is a good option to switch between tokens. After you've clicked on "Add Custom Token", USDC will be added to your MetaMask wallet. Step 1: Launch Metamask and unlock your wallet. Click on Add Token to add USDT to your MetaMask wallet. timestamp: 16807874039115 Besides supporting cryptocurrencies, MetaMask is a versatile product in the marketplace, supporting tokens on the ERC-20 protocol, and storing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) which can be connected with marketplaces such as OpenSea.2 The wallet also supports multiple blockchains including the Build and Build (BNB) chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and more. Buy USDT by creating a Binance account:https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=73583477. Manage Settings Step 2: The page 'Add Tokens' will open. Tether USD (USDT) is the most popular stablecoin in the crypto space and it is pegged to the US Dollar (USD) on a 1:1 ratio. Send or receive USDT. You can add USDT to your Metamask wallet on the Ethereum network by simply selecting the Ethereum Mainnet as the default network on your wallet. Once youve successfully imported USDC to your Metamask wallet, you should see it as one of your assets under the Ethereum Mainnet. In this guide, we outline the best way to add USDC to your MetaMask Wallet on Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum and every other network. Next, click on "Send" and paste the receiver's address. This is because youre on the right network (Ethereum Mainnet). Click on [Import tokens] to add USDT to Metamask on the Avalanche Network. }, https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/usd-coin/, https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=73583477. Lastly, click on Add Custom Token to add USD Coin (USDC) to MetaMask. Here are the steps to send USDC to your Metamask wallet: - Open your Metamask wallet and click on the "Send" button. Edited the answer. Now we just need to fill in the Token Contract Address for USDT Tether and not worry about the Token Symbol and Decimals of Precision. There are quite a few ways for you to add USDC to your Metamask wallet. What is USDC token contract address? Click the MetaMask icon and USDCwill be automatically added and visible on your MetaMask account. Scroll down and click on [Import tokens]. }, Firstly, click on the Custom Token tab to start importing a custom token. You can only use this faucet for a wallet address once every 24 hours. It is important to remember to double check with both the USDC website and the MetaMask wallet before making any transactions to avoid any issues. entry: Form is valid, Get USDC and MATIC tokens from Swan faucet, If you already have Testnet USDC and MATIC tokens, please skip to. On the Avalanche network, you are only able to import custom tokens. How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. Transferring USDT to your Metamask using the Tron (TRC-20) network will result in a permanent loss of your funds so keep that in mind when transferring USDT to your Metamask Wallet address from a crypto exchange or external wallet. USD Coin (USDC) is a digital currency fully backed by USD assets. how to add the Polygon network to Metamask, how to add Fantom to your Metamask wallet, how to add the Avalanche Network to Metamask, How To Reset Your Metamask Wallet (5 Quick Steps), How To Add Bitcoin (BTC) To Metamask [2 Methods], How To Transfer BNB From Binance To Metamask, How To Switch Between Networks On Metamask, Does Crypto.com Report To The IRS? Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Yes, it is, however you significantly changed your answer. Now that your wallet is connected to the Ethereum Mainnet, scroll down to the bottom of the Metamask window and click on [Import tokens]. However, you are also able to connect Metamask to other blockchain networks, such as: As such, do remember to be on the Ethereum Mainnet before moving on to the next step. In the wallet creation process, youre required to create a password. entry: sendFlow - user set amount to 10 USDC, USDC runs on the Ethereum blockchain, so you need to make sure that youre on the Ethereum Mainnet network. On other networks like Polygon, Fantom, Avalanche, and the Binance Smart Chain, you first need to copy the correct contract for USDT on the network you intend to add the token on. 2. Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? { Lastly, scroll down and click on import tokens to start importing a custom token. Click on the tab Custom Token. Number of Cryptocurrencies Supported. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. }, Return to MetaMask and click [Import tokens]. Below is how you can add USDT To Metamask on the Binance Smart Chain Network. Can I buy them? Please prepare some BNB for transaction fee. rev2023.4.21.43403. Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. { On the Search tab, you can search and select USDC as the token that you wish to import. Once you have added the Binance Smart Chain to your wallet, select it as the default network as illustrated in the screenshot below. Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. Then a day later i went again to the wallet, went in the failed transaction hash, clicked the address i was sending the day prior and copy it to send again. Careful now! 5. While we adhere to strict editorial integrity, some posts may feature partner products. }, If you want to receive USDC, you need to copy your wallet address. After pressing Approve the metamask screen will appear, now click on the confirm button to approve the transaction. timestamp: 16807487412421 Want to list your Crypto brand? This is similar to how you would add KLIMA to Metamask. Click on [Import tokens] to add USDT to Metamask on Polygon. Here's how we make money. What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? }, You supplied the link for the 0xc2569dd7d0fd715b054fbf16e75b001e5c0c1115 contract. timestamp: 16807587416749 Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. You can find out the differences between the CRO, ERC20 and Cronos networks. Can the game be left in an invalid state if all state-based actions are replaced? To do this, go to the USDT token page on CoinMarketCap. Supports a wide range of Ethereum-based tokens such as Ether (ETH), USD Coin (USDC), Tether (USDT), etc. The best USD Coin (USDC)yields on the Polygon blockchain is Stargate Finance. Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. entry: Begin validating send state, If its not, click on the network dropdown box and select it. Launch Metamask, unlock your wallet, and ensure the Binance Smart Chain is the selected network. { }, 2. Here are 4 steps to add USDC to Metamask on the Cronos network: Go to Metamask and ensure that you are using the Cronos Network Select 'Import Tokens', and then 'Import Custom Token' Copy the Cronos contract from CoinMarketCap Double check that USDC is detected and select 'Add Custom Token' And here is each step explained: In this article, you will learn how to add USDT to Metamask on the Ethereum network as well as how to also add the token to your wallet easily on other compatible networks where the token is available. Your wallet will now display the balance . timestamp: 16807874038815 On the token import window, paste the USDT contract address that you copied earlier from CoinMarketCap and wait a few seconds for Metamask to fetch the Token Symbol and Decimal automatically. { It is also the blockchain with the highest USDT transaction volume and unless you intend to use USDT on another network due to specific reasons, we recommend you add the token to your wallet on the Ethereum network. I specificly asked for the USDC token for 0xe22da380ee6b445bb8273c81944adeb6e8450422 contract. You are able to add USDC to your Metamask wallet on any networks that are compatible with the Ethereum network (e.g. I started this site with the aim of making personal finance accessible for you, regardless of your financial background. Get started with a regulated digital asset exchange in the UK. Thank you! If its not, click on the network dropdown box and select it. To receive the latest updates from my blog and crypto in general, you can follow me on Telegram, YouTube and Twitter. You just add the address you provided here to Metamask to see your tokens and you're all set. step 6. entry: Form is valid, To add USDC to your wallet, select Import token as shown below: Then enter the Polygon network USDC contract: and select Add custom Token then the USDC balance on the wallet will appear. entry: Form is invalid because stage is ADD_RECIPIENT, }, Now it should work with the address you provided. Once thats done, click on [Add Custom Token]. USDC is also is created by Circle who are a regulated company in the United States backed by JP Morgan, Blackrock and Goldman Sachs. timestamp: 16807857415619 entry: Form is valid, How To Add USDT To Metamask On The Polygon Network. I just sent the USDC from another site today, and I have no ETH in this wallet . This makes it a stablecoin, a cryptocurrency that is designed to minimize volatility. - Select "USDC" as the token you want to send. To add USDC (USD Coin) to MetaMask, you need to copy USDC's contract address and import it as a custom token. If you have not set up the Cronos Network on your Metamask wallet, you can check out this step-by-step guide here. Select Confirm Swap and Confirm on the Wallet, Wait for a moment for the transaction to complete then return to the wallet balance check screen, We will use Evodefi to bridge USDC from BSC-BEP20 network to Polygon network USDC https://evodefi.com/, Connect the wallet to Evodefi, From the top right corner of the screen click on Connect. It's quite straightforward to send ETH from your Metamask wallet to your smart contract on the Ethereum Mainnnet or the Kovan testnet. timestamp: 16807874311935 timestamp: 16807587416941 Looking for job perks? entry: sendFlow - user set amount to 10 USDC, After selecting Add Custom Token, you will need to confirm importing USDC.e one more time. After that, click on [import tokens] at the bottom of the page then search for USDT and add the token to your wallet. 1. Copy the Polygon network wallet address on the metamask by clicking on the address line as the picture below, Fill the address you just copied into the withdraw section on MEXC or other CEX support withdraw Polygon Network and the amount of USDC you want to withdraw. To send USDC, click on the USDC token, click on Send, and paste the receivers address. Another method you can use to add the USDT Coin to your Metamask wallet is by importing the contract address of BEP-20 USDT to your wallet on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Click on the tab Custom Token. On the Search tab, youll be able to search for USDT and add it as a custom token. In this guide, we outline the safest way to add the verified USDCcontract address to your MetaMask Wallet on the Polygon network. The correct USDT token is usually the first one on the list. I need USDC Kovan testnet tokens transffered to this address 0x2E9b971e336C825BC41b9FE87376E74f0B3345FE for testing purposes. timestamp: 16807874039114 entry: Form is invalid because stage is ADD_RECIPIENT, After youve pasted its contract address, the Token Symbol field and the Token Decimal field will be auto-populated. Secondly, you need to unlock your MetaMask wallet. Now, click on the Copy icon next to the USDT Fantom contract address to copy the address to your device clipboard. For example, you can add any ERC-20 token to MetaMask. Share. Paste your address in the recipient field in the application where you are sending your ETH or other tokens from, or share it with someone who is sending them to you. { Isn't that what you wanted? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. After youve opened the Chrome browser, you can install MetaMask here. As at time of writing, there is over $500 million in liquidity for Polygon USDC tokens on the Polygon Network, making it the largest and most popular stablecoin. Continue with Recommended Cookies, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thefipharmacist_com-box-3','ezslot_10',648,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thefipharmacist_com-box-3-0');Last updated on March 2nd, 2023. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thefipharmacist_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',649,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thefipharmacist_com-medrectangle-3-0');USDC is one of the stablecoins that is pegged to the US dollar, and it is a rather versatile currency that can be used on multiple networks. To log in to your MetaMask wallet, click on the MetaMask extension, enter your password, and click on Unlock. Here I choose Metamask wallet. On the page, click on [More], then scroll down on the dialog box until you find the USDT contract address for the BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) network. Storing your USDC in your MetaMask wallet is safer than storing it in a cryptocurrency exchange. This is because USDT is not automatically added on MetaMask. However, there are still some versions of USDC (such as the TRC20 version) which cant be added to Metamask. Before you can add it as a custom token, you need to copy its contract address. An EOA-based wallet like MetaMask requires a private key to authorize transactions. Software; available as a mobile app for Android and iOS and a web browser extension. timestamp: 16850787416577 The USDT coin is available on a handful of networks with the Ethereum (ERC-20) and Tron (TRC-20) blockchains being the two most popular blockchains where USDT can be used. entry: Form is valid, 1) Copy the USDT token contract address for the Polygon network. Once youve successfully imported USDC to your Metamask wallet, you should see it as one of your assets under the Polygon Mainnet. All you have to do is click on the Import Tokens button and USDC token will be added to your Metamask Wallet.
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